© ÖGB Verlag
Buchcover 100 Jahre Betriebsrat in der Donau Versicherung

100 Jahre Betriebsrat in der Donauversicherung

(100 years of works councils at the DONAU insurance company)

Responsible for the project:  

Sabine Lichtenberger

Worker participation at the DONAU insurance and beyond.

In May 1919 the “Betriebsrätegesetz” (Works Councils Act) was passed and the right of co-determination was established by law. That same year a works council was formed at the DONAU insurance company founded in 1867. This publication traces the company history, union history in general and the history of union employees from their beginnings in the 19th century to the present. The publication is complemented by photographic material and interviews.


Sabine Lichtenberger, 100 Jahre Mitbestimmung. 100 Jahre Betriebsrat in der Donauversicherung, Wien 2019.

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