© E. Laubsche Verlagsbuchhandlung GmbH Berlin
Richard Wagner: Der Klassenkampf um den Menschen.

Source edition Richard Robert Wagner

The Austro-Marxist Richard Robert Wagner significantly influenced the fields of education and culture. Our aim is to make his contributions accessible to a wider public.

Responsible for the project:
Hans Dvořák, Brigitte Pellar and Sabine Lichtenberger

After several conferences at the IWK on the theory of educational and cultural work of the Austrian unions, the project’s aim is to publish a two-volume edition of the works of Austro-Marxist cultural and educational theorist Richard R. Wagner (1888-1941), for example his main work “Der Klassenkampf um den Menschen” (1927).

Among the editors are political scientist and historian Univ. Doz. Dr. Hans Dvořák, historian and former head of the institute for Chamber of Labor and union history Dr. Brigitte Pellar and member of the IHSF Mag.a Sabine Lichtenberger. The project is meant as a contribution to the reappraisal of the partially forgotten and even suppressed theoretical approaches on the educational work of Austrian unions, from the late Habsburg monarchy to the First Republic.