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Repression Research

The workers’ movement in Austria was not smashed by the National Socialists in 1938, but already by the Austro-Fascists in 1933/34. For the first time, this project systematically investigates the politically motivated persecution in the years 1933-1938.

Responsible for Project: 
Florian Wenninger and Charlotte Rönchen

The workers’ movement in Austria was not smashed by the National Socialists, but already in 1933/34 by Austro-Fascism. To this day, the assumptions about the manner and extent of political persecution in the Austrian dictatorship vary wildly. The project “Political Repression 1933-1934” for the first time quantitatively looks at the extent of the repression politics and analyzes court files from regional and county courts from all around Austria, as well as from selected district courts. Furthermore, files from police departments, the presidential office as well as from state and federal authorities are also included. Victims’ descendants (with the exception of National Socialists) can apply for expungement of verdicts and rehabilitation of their ancestors.

Further information can be found on the project’s website http://www.repression-1933-1938.at/site/home

On the legal basis of the rehabilitation see https://www.parlament.gv.at/PAKT/VHG/XXIV/I/I_01644/index.shtml